Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Job update

Well I made it through a day at work after a three day weekend. Some changes were made to my responsibilities again. I now lead two groups on the Mental Health side (CBRS). Today I did a Stress Management group. I'll have Health Education on Mondays. The last week I've been scared out of my mind about how these two groups were going to go. Well actually I still am. I have know idea what I'm doing for next week. On the side I work on I could just communicate on a third grade level and it was fine. The people on CBRS however; are so much smarter then me. I feel way out of my league.
At least I got my feet wet today and even though I'm complaining I do like a good challenge. I usually try to follow these Steps: 1. Give the outcome to God. 2. Do it afraid. I've learned over the years that my faith in God isn't based on how I feel. It's defined by action. I'm always thinking that God is preparing me for something. This is another opportunity. I certainly have no idea what I'm doing but He does. It's already been planned out.


At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome faith statement - Do it afraid!! I admire your great attitude and look forward to hearing about how great this works out! Rom. 8:29


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