Friday, June 30, 2006

Sleepless night

I fell asleep around 7pm. I've been up since 11pm and it's 20 after four. This is the second night in a row that I haven't been able to sleep. I'm so tired. It's amazing what one can think about when they've moved past the zombie stage. I don't think however; it would be a good idea for me to reflect on it at the moment. I think sleeplessness might have close to the same potency as drunkenness as far as it's influence on communicating thoughts. I don't want to get myself into trouble. It must remain a mystery.

Now the last 3 months I have rejected caffeine in order to detox myself. Should I stay up for my last hour and pump myself full of caffeine or lay down. I think either way I'm going to fall off the wagon.


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