Sunday, August 06, 2006

Cooking Peas

My friend called me up on Friday and invited me to go with her to the chiropractor. We went in Saturday morning. I had never been to a chiropractor before but it turned out I really needed to go. He aligned my back and cracked my neck. I appreciated this guy's honesty. I must have heard several times "you're in bad shape". I didn't think I could make so much noise. I've had a pain in my neck for a couple months and now it's gone!!
My back and shoulder however; are a different story. They feel worse then before. I've been putting a bag frozen peas on to get the swelling down and taking muscle relaxers. The peas are softer then ice but just as cold. They help it feel better. My friend told me that it's normal for me to be reacting this way so I'm not worried. Maybe this will help my dancing. :-)


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