Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I need an attitude adjustment. This is is a very moody day. Maybe I'm just tired. I think I'll go read and get some sleep. That will help.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Wow church was great tonight. Time for another work week. I better get some sleep.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Okey, I think next time I'm going to go inside to order my mexican food. That was too stressful for this time of night. It was still good though

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Just had my first Jazz on the Green. It was fun except I missed a couple people. It was also good to dance w/ guys I don't usually dance with.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Okey, I'm doing this from my phone and hoping it works out. The only bad part about phone blogging is that there is no spell check. Oh well.


Alright, I finally have time to update this blog. I have 15 minutes and too many things to say. My trip to California was good except I don't ever want to do more then one lay over per flight again. That was very exhausting. I started out in northern CA were my mom grew up. I stayed with my Great uncle but through out the day I spent most of the time with my grandmother and aunt. I also saw four other uncles, another aunt, cousins, and Neta a childhood donkey friend that I used to feed. That was nice. After about 4 days I went down to my home town called Petaluma. I got some great surprises while I was there. It was great seeing old friends. Some of them I had not seen for seven years. I think one main highlight was being able to sing on Sunday morning. I was a little nervous at first but once we got going I wasn't afraid to kiss the microphone. After the service a couple friends and I jammed to some of the old songs we used to do. We did one song that I'm still known for. I don't think I'm ready to say what my solo was but it involves the sounds of a furry animal. It was such a present from God. Music was the instrument God used to bring me to Him in the first place. He used it to teach me, to lead me, to show He can do anything through me. Then when I was there He used it again to say "I'm still with ya kid" I love Him so much.
After about a week I went back up to Northern CA and got my other highlight. My great uncle had a huge supply of family history. I'm very interested in family. For days I spent time wrighting names down and copying old pictures. I now have a record that goes back to my great, great, great grandmother. I also know how my family came over here. It's was really awesome.
I'm running out of time. Some other great stuff happened but I think I've written enouph. Next time I'll talk about Nebraska.