I know it's been awhile since I've posted. To be honest I've had a post completely written out in my head for weeks now but have been afraid to write it.
I can't think about posting anything else. My thoughts have begun to calm down a lot. I still don't want to post what's been going on but I think I'm ready to start writing again.
Last night I talked my friend onionboy into going for a walk with me. The night was perfect for it. I'm trying to get out and experience as much of the fall season as I can. I know it's almost over. This season has always been my favorite. I love the colors and how refreshing everything feels. I think I've been noticing it more this year.
When I was younger and something unpleasant was going on in my life I used sink into the details of things around me. I would examine the cracks in wood, veins in leaves, spider webs, and pretty much everything else. I still do that in a way. With all the things I've been feeling lately that might be one of the reasons why fall has been standing out this year.
I don't know however; if depression is the reason for increased senses. I know in my head I'm experiencing signs of depression but I hate putting my senses in a negative category.
I like to think of them more as God's pleasant distraction or a means of bringing me back to Himself. Long before I knew who God really was and even long before I stepped into church, I thought of God as Creature. Enjoying the outdoors is one of ways I feel close to Him. Now that I think about it, it actually makes sense that God would increase my senses if I'm having hard time. Enjoying what's around me makes me feel alive. Anyway, I'll try to post a little more often.