Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I think I'm Leaking

There is strange things going on over here. Water is appearing in weird areas. After getting home from work last night I found some yellow looking water on the counter. I thought is was strange because I didn't know how I could have missed that. No problem however; I just wiped it up. My friends came over for a little bit. After they left I went over the to the counter and found water there again! What the HECK!!!! I looked around to see where it could be coming from and I couldn't find a thing. This morning I got up and looked at the counter. Nothing was on it so I went to work with a peaceful mind. I got home today and still nothing was on the counter. I started making dinner, opened up the silverware drawer and found water in half the silverware organizer, GROSS, GROSS, GROSS!!!!! I don't know what's going on here but I hope I stop finding this stuff.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Busy Busy Week

Okay... I seriously meant to update this a couple days ago but things happen. The pictures below are of a party I had Saturday night. I've been wanting to have the Jitterbugs over since I moved in. I think it went over really well. People were talking, eating, dancing, being silly, and I learned how to give Jesus a high five. Next time however; I'm going to get more diet pop. I didn't realize how popular that stuff is.

Sunday was a pretty good day to. I made it to church and one of my favorite local speakers was visiting. After church my friend Becky and I went down to the mall to get some stuff for her sister. I was really tired but it was fun to hang out. I bought a chicken launcher. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to use it. he he he.

I went to Bible study yesterday. I didn't want to go at first but it turned out to be a good idea. I really miss being apart of a small group. I need to find a group to be apart of. I know that's where I grow.

Today was a good day. My boss asked me to do something for dance month. I decided on asking the Jitterbugs to come down and dance for the participants. I knew that people had to work so it was risky. I think I was nervous right up until 12:15 today but it worked out just fine. Four of them came and had a great time. The participants loved it !! Some of them got up and started dancing with each other. One of the female participants brought up a guy that was blind and started dancing with him. There was another participant that is a marvelous jazz musician. He has played/toured with many of the people that I listen to on Friday nights. He played for the Jitterbugs so they were able to dance to some live music. Afterwards the participants had a hard time letting the them go. I think one of the Jitterbugs enjoyed talking about swing with some of them. I think I'm going to try and do this again. Maybe in the next couple of months.

So this has been my week and it's only Tuesday.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sitting Jitterbugs

Check out those fabulous smiles.

Hey check out that super cool accountant chick!!!

These two are so photogenic. To bad about the light in the background.

Jose's Funny face!

Well it's hard to see. I think I just have bad timing.

Charleston in the Kitchen!

Okay... You can't quit tell what my roommate and Olin are doing but they are dancing. They are dancing Charleston in the kitchen.

Hey Billy look over here!!

I meant to get a picture of Andrew and Susie but it looks like a picture of Billy and Lindsay. I don't think Billy knew he was in the shot, Oh well. It was good that they came. I'm glad I got a picture of them. They're awesome.

Catch Phrase!

We had some good variations to this game. Remember it's not charades.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


The results are in and I would like to announce that Beckstraordinary has won the name that fish contest. Jenny has decided to name the fish Jupiter. Congratulations Becky!! You deserve a fabulous prize.

Say Cheese

Most of my friends know that I have somewhat of a cheese fetish. No I did not say shoe. I LOVE CHEESE!!! I'll bring cheese with me to work to snack on. It can be any kind of cheese. My favorite kind of cheeses however are the more exotic ones. I like to try cheeses that I've never tried before. Why? Maybe it's in my jeans. My uncle in California has a strange love for apples. Maybe it goes back to Nature. I went to the cheese factory several times when I was a kid. Maybe it gives me some form of adventure. God only knows. All I know is that I love the stuff. Just give me a wedge of good old Joan of Arc Brie de Luxe with double 60% cream and I'm a happy lady...mmm mmm good. I must warn people however; that too much of a good thing is not a good thing. I'm a little sick at the moment from a classic case of cheese overdose. So enjoy the pleasures that God has given you but remember that moderation is what keeps them pleasurable.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Me and My Hottie

Don't these two look Vintage

Billy and Mo

I think this is Charleston

Look Mom Balboa Dancers!!!!

Dan showing off for the World Harold

5 Dancing Ladies

Well we are not dancing now but we were about 10 minutes ago.

Dan's T-Rex Picture

Okay class... What have you drawn?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Happy 75th

Happy 75th anniversary. Today my friends and I went to celebrate the anniversary of Durham Western Heritage museum. They had a great band. It's been so long since I've been able to go dancing on a Sunday afternoon. It was the perfect day for it. I think it's a little scary that we are in the middle of January and it feels like September but I'm going to enjoy it. Becky and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to go for a walk afterwards. Pictures are coming soon.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Something Smells Fishy

This is are our newest arrival. Jenny got this betta last Saturday. I've never lived with a fish before. So far it's working out just fine. I think the birds get along with him. We have not however been able to think of a name for this scaled creature. Would any of you like to give it a try? What should Jenny name the fish?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Driving with my eyes closed

It's a very nice day outside. I went out for awhile and bought some ink and printing paper for my roommates computer. I decided I was going to start using her computer for more then just goofing off. Otherwise what's the point in paying half the bill. After I got back to the apartment the sun was shining in the drivers window and off to sleep I went. I would like to blame that on how cozy the car was at the time but I think it's a little more then that. I've been really sleepy lately. Last night I went and had dinner with a group of friends. Afterward they went out dancing and I went out driving. I drove out in the country, came back and drove by the river, and eventually ended up in my church's parking lot. I had a couple of things in mind that I could have done. I ended up however; falling asleep in the car again. I don't know what's going on. The things I face are nothing compared to other people I know. Maybe God wants me to get some rest. If I can only figure out way to get some rest and still get things done. That would be so marvelous.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Job update

Well I made it through a day at work after a three day weekend. Some changes were made to my responsibilities again. I now lead two groups on the Mental Health side (CBRS). Today I did a Stress Management group. I'll have Health Education on Mondays. The last week I've been scared out of my mind about how these two groups were going to go. Well actually I still am. I have know idea what I'm doing for next week. On the side I work on I could just communicate on a third grade level and it was fine. The people on CBRS however; are so much smarter then me. I feel way out of my league.
At least I got my feet wet today and even though I'm complaining I do like a good challenge. I usually try to follow these Steps: 1. Give the outcome to God. 2. Do it afraid. I've learned over the years that my faith in God isn't based on how I feel. It's defined by action. I'm always thinking that God is preparing me for something. This is another opportunity. I certainly have no idea what I'm doing but He does. It's already been planned out.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! I celebrated the new year by going to church and dancing at a jitterbugs formal. I think 2006 is going to be a good year. It is not starting out very well. I've been really sick yesterday and today. It's alright though I felt it coming Friday and asked God to just get me through the year. I wanted to have a good time at the dance. Praise God He answered my prayer. It was so much fun. I love getting dressed up once in awhile. I wanted to put up some pictures but I just can't seem to get pictures from one blog to another. Here is a link. I'm the one in the green dress.

Picture's from the New Year's Dance