Feelin the Love
My parents always told me that people will tease someone they like. I tend to also do this. My coworkers have been going a little crazy with teasing lately. I've been feeling the love. When I got to work this morning I noticed my trophy had been changed to read "Cowtown Jambore Spelling Bee." For those of you who really know me, you understand how funny this is.
While I was gone at Jamborama they decided to give me a play by play of everything that happened while I was gone. I'm not going to include names or all of the entries because I want my blog to remain G rated. I also know most people will not understand these.
NON OF THE EVENTS are true but rather partially related to the truth.
1. Payday-everyone here received sizable bonus (sorry Viv) (must have been present to receive said bonus)
2. 3:59pm... B bursts into program area muttering something about Viv not having enouph vacation. Will be discussed upon return.
3. 6:15pm... L and G are still sitting out front waiting for their ride...
4. 7:36pm... Still Waiting
5. 12:23pm... Jitterbugs show up in flesh colored spandex costumes and saddle shoes. K very turned on, inquiring where to find a costume for J and herself.
8:30am... H announces engagement to C
4:45pm... K still talking about jitterbug costumes and (censored)
5:03pm... H never speaking to C again
5:04pm... Okay, maybe will go with C for coffee later on tonight
10:07am... Questions arise about gender of Elijah. Thought Elijah= male, after finding charting sheet from 8/24 and Viv writing Ellisha, not sure. And how did Viv find out?